This day turned out to be SO COLD and WINDY! But there were lots of people
I think main event in this festival is the music. It is outdoor and you have to buy a ticket to get in. I didn't have the ticket, so I just took picture of the stage.
They were so cute, so I had to take it
There are different areas. I love to go craft area, but there are things for kids, also
Food is always my thing :) This was delicious!
Downtown Maryville / Broadway
Then I went to The first annual Taste of Oak Ridge. It was getting very cold and stated to rain a little, so when I got there, people weren’t even ready for the festival.
メリビルの後はオークリッジのテーストオブオークリッジへ。 寒くて雨もぱらぱらとしだしたので行ったらまだ準備中のところも。お客さんは私だけ?!?!?
I was getting tired, so I only got my FAVORITE from the Jackson square. I actually got 2 because it was only $3 each! They do lunch and of course the ice cream is awesome there. MUST TRY when you are there.
疲れていたので今回はとりあえず私の好きな食べ物やさんで何かゲットして帰えることに。 サンドイッチ1つ$3だったので2つお持ち帰り。 アイスクリームも美味しい。機会があれば是非お試しを!
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